Is there anything better following the long, cold winter than finally having the opportunity to open up the windows and allow the fresh, warm, springtime breezes to blow throughout your house? Something about the sights, aromas, and sounds of nature provides us an effective pick-me-up, which is the reason why it is so essential for senior loved ones to have the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of nature to the greatest extent feasible.
Of distinct benefit to seniors are surroundings which are green and “blue” (those that encompass still or running water). Per Jessica Finlay, a doctoral candidate in geography and gerontology at the University of Minnesota and head researcher in a recent study of 65 – 86-year-olds, “We discovered how a relatively mundane experience, such as hearing the sound of water or a bee buzzing among flowers, can have a tremendous impact on overall health. Accessibility to everyday green and blue spaces encourages seniors to simply get out the door. This in turn motivates them to be active physically, spiritually, and socially, which can offset illness, disability, and isolation.”
Try the following ideas to provide older adults with the ability to make best use of investigating and engaging in the natural world around them:
- Invite your senior loved one to outings at nearby parks, most especially ones that include a body of water, even if it is something as simple as a koi pond or water fountain.
- Help the senior loved one create and maintain a small container garden of whatever is of interest – a well-liked flower, a number of easy-to-grow vegetables, or maybe even a small bonsai tree.
- For anyone with dementia, supply options for sensory stimulation using natural items. For example: sand, potting soil, grass, leaves, water, etc. Simply place pots of various materials on a picnic table outside and have the senior investigate.
- Visit a playground to allow for the added joy of listening to children’s laughter coupled with the songs of birds and rustling leaves.
- Put together a designated area on the front porch or in a shaded portion of the yard with comfy seating, and make it an everyday routine, when weather allows, to sit and have discussions, read books, and take pleasure in some fresh fruit or a picnic lunch with each other.
Make contact with Inspired Home Care, the experts in Algonquin home health care, for even more senior-friendly strategies designed to take pleasure in nature, and for a companion to provide transportation and accompaniment to engaging outdoor activities and events. Our individualized care services ensure that seniors maintain the best potential quality of life all the time, alleviating loneliness and isolation and giving the reassurance needed to remain active and engaged.
Whether the need is for just a few hours every week, around-the-clock care, or anything in between, email or call us any time at 847-787-7572 to ask about a no cost in-home consultation and speak with one of our experts in Algonquin home health care!